- Soothing massage with firm rhythmic strokes.
1hr $75
90min $112 |
- Restores vitality and balances the body. Releases deeply tensed and knotted muscles, easing off your muscle pain.
1hr $75
90min $112 |
- Customized massage treatment. Heals and balances body's well-being.
1hr $75
90min $112 |
- Manual Lymph Drainage (also referred to as simply MLD) is a very gentle type of massage therapy used to drain excess fluid from the body and improve the overall functioning of the lymphatic (immune) system.
1hr $75
90min $112 |
- A deep tissue pressure massage which will releases build-up tension. Promote better health.
1hr $85
90min $127 |
- For busy executives. It helps ease tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back.
30mins $38 |
- Sit back and relax as we provide your tired feet a well-deserved pampering treat.
40mins $40
1hr $50 |
- Designed to improve your circulation, take some of the strain off your muscles and joints, and generally re-energize you.
- During pregnancy, regular prenatal massages may not only help you relax, but may also relieve insomnia, joint pain, neck and back pain and leg cramping. Additionally, it can reduce swelling in your hands and feet, and alleviate headaches and sinus congestion.
1hr $78 |